Seeing a land so dishonored recalled the words of Wendell Berry,
"There are no unsacred places;
there are only sacred places
and desecrated places."And so I slowly wandered along, steps falling on the marriage of sea and land, letting the ocean's waves form eddies around my feet. It was then that I noticed a Seagull, which appeared suddenly as a kindred wanderer and inspired within me the following:
And so I learn that I've a seagull's soul. A lonesome maritime heart, in love with an ocean whose depths seem to forever elude me. And the scavenging! There was never a sorry gull in a trash ridden parking lot as lost and bewildered as I, pecking at the empty litter of screens and controllers, a tragically misguided attempt to sate the intrinsic need for nourishment that only Truth can fulfill. And oh the futile flying against the wind! When will Your graces fuel my flight rather than hinder it? Surely I must wait for You. All things in time, and with an ebb and flow unconcerned with our insulated bubbles of hurry, control and sickened familiarity.
-The Monkey in the Middle
p.s. Here is a poem I must've written ages ago.
The time has passed, alack! alas!
To share in life eternal.
We swoon for swarms of lifeless screens
Forsaking forests vernal.
But your GPS won't draw a map
When you're anxious and plagued by strife.
I'm afraid they haven't made an app
For salvaging your life.