Sunday, December 29, 2013

Just wrote these two ditties and created a few absurd Christmas anecdotes on PS elements.

Respite from the Rain
Ballad of a Broken Man

Merry Christmas to the masses of people who faithfully peruse this blog every single day. I couldn't have made it through Pixie Stix rehab without you guys.



Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Pun, but no offense, intended...

Rediscovering the simple brilliance of photoshop, being overwhelmed with joy at the dreams that it can realize!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Clever Death?

Clever death disguised as glittering promises of life,
Advertised as an antidote to the poison it's injected.
Like a friend who offers warm embrace with a deftly hidden knife,
In our gods of death the lost ideal is sorrowfully reflected.

Coca-cola ad campaigns to target the sad of heart,
Convincing them that happiness is a chemical compound,
While pompous, blithe pornography is lauded highest art.
Lost are we in our own misguided yearning to be found.

So clever death does sit with a haughty smile upon his face,
As he glories in the fall of beings once designed for flight.
Humanity's regal birthright mired in infinite disgrace,
Bewildered best intentions doomed to darkness but meant for light.

But death, for all his cleverness, will never gain a soul.
Too blinded by his arrogance to behold his dismal plight.
Could his games be played with the living were the Author of life not in control?
Could a Summer evening's shadows fall were it nor for a preexisting light?

(minor clarification- the Odin thing is a joke, though I certainly think he's a BAMF to be reckoned with. Apologies for any religious zealousy (not a word, but ought to be for its eerie similarity to Jealous (adverb TRANSFORRRRRRMMMMMM)) induced rages caused by the above link.)